Sunday, July 29, 2012

my 3 best friends

ive been looking at pictures from oxnard last year and thinking of all the crazy things i did with my 3 idecided im going to do a remember when of it all.

- remember when mckinnley posed for this picture and then fell into the splits and she screamed so loud the whole beach could here her. i dont think ive laughed so hard in my life.

-remeber when we talked for forever on the beach

-  mckinnley is the best prank caller ever (hobo number 1 and die-lon)

-happy hour

-remember when Mckinnley screamed WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!! at the top of her lungs on X2


-renting a four maner bike and craming 8 people on it

- latenight kareoke!! BABY! BABY! BABY! OHHHHH!

-Emilees vaseline tips and her trying to curl mckinnelys eye lashes and mckinnley screaming and laughing the whole time!!

-remeber when we would run to the beach and have wrestling matches as we are trying to run

-the hottub secrets

-mckinnley getting the nickname sharktooth cause she though she saw a sharktooth so many times

-barying mckinnley in the sand and giving her sand boobs.

-madis telling us about mckinnleys boyfriend kevin that she danced with at a school dance.

 -loving everysecond that we had together!!

-i love my cosins so much and i dont know what i would do without the 3 of them!!!

love jenjen!


McKinnley said...

I MISS YOU JENNN!!!!! as i was reading this i was laughing hystercialy, those memories want to make me CRY!! i miss you guys! As u said on my blog.. I would apsolutly LOVE to come out next summer. that would be amazing!!! i honostly think about oxnard atleast once a day. We recently went to fair and while we were getting higher and higher on the rollercoaster i was screaming,. "I CAN DO HARD THHHIINNGGSS!!!!"

hey!! the summers not over yet... maybe we can see eachother..??? LOVE U!!!! we need to text more.. and skype.. and we havent made our blog yet.. haha
xoxox Kinners:)

Kelly said...

Such a cute post! Such lucky girls to have each other! Let's make sure you all stay best friends forever. I love u jen!

Emilee said...

Jen! I don't get on to look at the blogs very often but when I do it always makes me laugh. That Oxnard trip was probably the funniest week of my whole life! And reading those memories made me miss you guys! We all need to save up our money so we can fly Mckinnley and Maddie to live with us next summer! Love you Jen!