Friday, April 13, 2012

spring break in vegas!

me and my family went down to las vegas this week for some relaxation! the first 2 days the weather was great but then it got super windy and a little chilly...but we still partyed and had a blast.
our last day there we decided to go try out the rides on the stratousphere everyone rode every ride except my mom and shawn.
 xscream was a little sketchy! they put you on the little cart and then it starts going over the edge and your just hanging there it was super fun and scary!
 this one was called insanity it was a swing out over the edge!!
relaxing by the pool,dance partys in the elevator, the truck driver game in the arcade, shawn yelling joshua joshua to some black guy at the hotel,the scary hobo lady,the cool light show, the man with the beard who only made 2 dollers,cold cokes, oreos, american idol partys, going to the stratousohere at midnight and not getting home till 2, baja fresh, baptisms at the las vegas temple, the jets, hoover dam, the parks swings, hurricane andrew,doing each others nails, cheesecake factory, moms soft tacos :),our creepy waiters, aloe vere, late night hottub runs,our dam jokes, and just being together!
xoxo love jenny!

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