Sunday, October 2, 2011

new clothes

i LOVE these shoes i love the color of them i just love them!

last night me my mom and katy went to the mall and i got a new outfit to wear on my birthday i am super exited to wear it on tuesday! oh and we walked past this store blend and their maniquins are real people it is so creepy!! who would want that job!

 i had my birthday party on friday night i will have to post the pictures on my blog once i get them uploaded!

emilee got braces im so sorry em! i hate braces!!! gusse what...?? i get mine off in january i am so exited. i will have had them on for 2 and a half years! that is a long time!!

 i am super exited for halloween!! i dont think im going trick or treating though... so thats a bummer but i will just have to borrow some of my siblings candy :)

anyway happy confrence weekend!! xoxo love jenny

1 comment:

McKinnley said...

cute shooes:) and i know i saw emilee on kims blog and thought OH POOP. ill be getting mine off in like 13 months. ARGG. but Y WOUDNT U GO TRICK OR TREATING? all my friends r too cool. u definitly should go. whats halloween for?! haha love yas and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. xoxox