Sunday, June 5, 2011


yesterday was my aunt kyms reception. she got married on may 6 in the DC temple. then she and her husband flew down here for a reception. the reception was yesterday. we went up to my grandparents house (to help them set up) at noon and we didnt get home till 10 a clock last night! but it was so much fun i had a blast. for refreshments she had cupcakes and chocolate strawberrys catered from marvelous catering and then kym made chocolate dipped pretzels and they were all so good! i ate way to many. :) i have never seen so many chocolate strawberry in my life. it was like heaven on hearth. so good.  at 4 we had a little family luncheon and i got to meet some of my moms aunts and uncles and they are so nice and one of them told me i should come out and visit her in california and she said we could go shopping. :) i was so in at the word shopping. kym looked so pretty in her wedding dress. anyway the whole day was way fun. i will have to post some pictures once they are on the computer cause my grandma and grandpas back yard looked beautiful. love you all. its finally summer. im so exited for laguna it is going to be way fun. Love Jenny

1 comment:

McKinnley said...

you should have tooken a picture of all the strawberries!! YUMMM!! and o my!! sounds so fun!!! CANT WAIT FOR LAGUNAA!! i need to start and countdown for it!! 1 day left of school!! AHHH!!!!! :) xoxox
love, kinners