Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We decide we wanted to go boating on monday and was that a bad idea! here are all the things that happened

1 we forgot my dads fishing license so we had to go get that at the house
2 when we got the license it was expired so he had to go get a new one
3 we get on the boat and we forgot to blow up the tube so we had to go get the pump from the truck
4 we get the pump and relize it doesnt work on the boat so we have to go to the car to blow it up
5 so after we get it pumped up we jump on the tube ( me katy and my friend jill russon) and my dad starts to pull us and the cover on the tube rips and we all get pulled under water and get water up are nose
6 we fished and water skied (not bad)
7 we started to head in to go home at 9ish and the motor on the boat wont come up so after trying to get it up for a long time we call grandpa and ask him to bring us this oil stuff but he didnt have any so he went up to heber to get it.
8 so me and jill and my dad are out on the boat on the lake and it is like 11 it was so fun though because we were just eating crap food and we were quizing my dad down on girls that he dated when he was little. :)

Anyway the whole thing was so fun it was just a little bit crazy! so exited for the forth of july it is going to be so fun!! and im counting down the seconds till Laguna!!!!!!!! oh and girls camp is next week!!!!! PARTY!! :) love you guys! love jenny!


Kym Bullough said...
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Kym Bullough said...

What a crazy day! I'm glad you had a little bit of fun and FINALLY made it off the lake...your dad is the best!