Saturday, June 11, 2011

5k run and seven peaks

today i woke up at 8 and went and ran a 5k race! it was super fun. but i did really bad i had to stop and walk like 5 times. then after that i came home and checked my phone and i had gotten a text from meg and bailey asking me i i wanted to go to seven peaks today. so i ran and got mu swim suit on and they came and picked me up. madi and whittney ended up coming so we had a blast. after i came home and i was freezing to i made me some lunch and i ate it and then i made me an orange smoothie and i went and got in a nice and hot bath and it felt so good. today has been a good day!! Highlights: the attractive life guard, "oh no im turning into a mermaid,dip in dots,i got tan,are faces smooshed up on the tube,almost drownding in the wave pool cause we were laughing so hard. oh ya this picture is like a big advertisment picture for seven peaks and they were in my old ward!


Calli said...

haha thats funny i know one of the girls

McKinnley said...

HAHAHAHAHA FUN!!!! and i almost bought that moms swimsuit! lol

Calli said...

i think i know one of the boys too but they aren't in that family they aren't all in the same fam are they

Simple Things said...

the boys are the real kids of the parents. but the girls arent!

Simple Things said...

that last post was from jenny!